Parent Handbook Sections 4-5

4. Busing

The DOE Office of Pupil Transportation determines whether or not a student is eligible for transportation and, if so, what type - yellow school bus or Metrocard. Contact Donna Smiley ( for yellow school bus eligibility.

Yellow bus service begins:

  • On the first day of school for grades 1–6 who were previously on a bus
  • On the second day of school for new entrants to grades 1–6
  • During the second full week of school for K students

If eligible, your child will get bus service to and from a designated yellow bus stop near your residence. Bus stop sites are determined by the DOE's Office of Pupil Transportation, not by Anderson. If you have requested and received yellow bus service, you will be notified of your designated bus stop number, along with two "route numbers" (Bus #M ____ a.m. and Bus #M ____ p.m.), which identify your child's morning bus and afternoon bus.

**Put these route numbers and the phone number of SNT Bus Inc. - (718) 346-9600, into your cell phone, so you will always have access to them – even when you’re at the bus stop. If you call to inquire about late buses, etc. you will need to have the route numbers.
Parents are responsible for calling S.N.T at (718) 828-5336 or (718) 346-9600 with inquiries about late buses, etc. Donna Smiley ( is the school contact for any yellow bus or transportation problems. However, parents and caregivers should always have the S.N.T. phone number and route number available. Please be sure to read all our busing policies carefully.

5. Illness and Medications

Your child should not attend school if s(he) has any of the following symptoms:

  • Evidence of infection, sore throat and swollen, tender, painful neck glands
  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher
  • Vomiting
  • Earaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Persistent Cough
  • Body Rash
  • Ring Worm
  • Lice
  • Pink eye (conjunctivitis)

If a child becomes ill at school, we will contact the individuals listed on the student's emergency card and follow the protocol indicated on the card. Parents should make sure that the information on these cards is kept current, and inform the office when changes need to be made.

Head Lice
According to the DOE's Office of School Health, students with active cases of lice must stay home until treated until all lice are removed from the hair. Parents should inform the school if a louse is found on their child's head. A child returning to school must be accompanied by an adult at home, and re-examined by school personnel before they can re-enter class. If a case of head lice is found in a classroom, an email is sent home to all families in that class with information on checking for lice, removing them, and treating lice infestations at home. Head lice spread easily and rapidly, so please follow the Office of School Health policies listed above. For more information, please visit this Office of School Health page on the DOE's website.

Whenever a child must be on long-term medication that needs to be administered during the school day, parents/guardians should obtain the necessary form (504 form). These forms are to be completed and signed by the physician, and returned with the medication to the school's nurse's office. Forms may be obtained from the guidance counselor or school nurse or here, on the DOE's website. CHILDREN MAY NOT TRANSPORT MEDICATION TO THE SCHOOL. A PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST BRING THE MEDICATION TO THE NURSE'S OFFICE WITH THE APPROPRIATE MEDICAL ADMINISTRATION FORM FROM THE PHYSICIAN. The medication must be sent to school in the original container labeled and dated by the pharmacist or physician and should include: name of student, name of medication, exact dosage to be taken, and time at which dosage is to be taken at school. Short term medication (not to exceed ten days in succession) may be administered upon parent completion of a form obtainable in the nurse's office. If the forms are not properly completed, the staff will not be able to administer the medication at the school.

Life-threatening allergy problems (e.g. allergy to bee stings) should be brought to the immediate attention of the principal so that the staff can be trained to administer necessary medication.