Parent Handbook Sections 6-11


Field trips are an important part of our program at Anderson. Parents will be notified about upcoming field trips through class newsletters, emails, and/or trip notices and permission slips sent home with the students.

Permission Slips
Every trip outside the school grounds requires a separate parent consent form and trip plan. No student will be allowed to attend a field trip without a properly completed permission slip.

Teachers or class parents will reach out to parents for volunteers to chaperone all class trips.


The school has a no-food policy for classroom celebrations, therefore sweet treats such as cupcakes may not be brought in to class for birthdays. Check with your classroom teacher regarding his or her birthday policy. The classroom teachers will try to accommodate short celebrations in the classrooms. To recognize a child's birthday, parents can send in a small non-food item for each child in the class (e.g., pencil, stickers), donate a book to the class library and read a favorite part to the class, or choose a book for the class to read.

8. Grading Policy

The grading policy was updated by the grading policy committee in 2014. View the key components.


Students are permitted to bring cell phones and electronic readers to school, but are not permitted to bring any other electronic devices (iPods, iPads, etc.) or expensive electronic games to school. The school cannot be responsible for them. Kindles, Nooks or other e-readers may be used for reading books, but must have wifi/Internet service disabled at school (and on the school bus). If a student has a cell phone out and is seen using it, it will be confiscated and delivered to the main office. Please read our updated cell phone and electronics policy here for details.


Anderson students are not permitted to bring toys, games, or trading cards to school. They are a distraction, cause problems when they are lost, traded, or sold, and are sometimes mistaken to be the property of others. Toys need to stay home. In addition, students are not permitted to bring balls to school. At recess, we share balls and other recess gear intentionally, to teach sharing and cooperation, and to control materials and play areas in a busy schoolyard. Balls need to stay at home.


Lost and found items for the entire school building are kept in the hallway outside the gym next to the dance studio. Please be aware that the school is not responsible for items lost at school or those placed in the Lost and Found bins. PLEASE LABEL YOUR CHILD'S BELONGINGS. Each item should be clearly labeled with the child's first and last name using an indelible marker or laundry label. School staff checks items for names once a month and returns labeled items to students.